Recent Customer Interactions

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

In the last post we touched on visual branding, often the first introduction of your company to your customers. Beyond that are hundreds of brand touches and indelible impressions to make from face-to-face employee interactions to written messages to company Facebook posts.

Think of two recent employee-customer interactions. one where your employee shined and the customer was thrilled and another where the opposite happened and identify the three reasons why you think each interaction turned out the way it did.

You’d be on target if you said:

Attitude, Training, Attitude

Because in the worst case scenario when a customer is deeply dissatisfied and an employee doesn’t have the power to truly solve the problem, excellent communication training provides the employee with both the skills and confidence to calm the situation to the point of being able to begin to resolve it.

Before any amount of effective communication training kicks into high gear though, the attitude of your employees is the key to how receptive they are to learn from their training and how successful the training was once the employees put it into practice.

Attitude is everything in learning. Attitude is everything.

In business, attitude is also top-down. Look around your company and you can easily spot the best and worst attitudes and how they affect daily operations, customer interactions and workplace morale. How’s your attitude? How’s your outlook in general?

Model the attitude you would like to see in your employees. Reward the attitudes that bring positive change. Life is easier with a positive attitude and business is infinitely more pleasant for all those involved.”